Eye inflammation, also known as inflammatory eye disease or swelling in the eye, can occur for various reasons and can include multiple types of eye disorders, such as optic neuritis (optic nerve inflammation), anterior uveitis, keratitis, conjunctivitis, or episcleritis (scleral inflammation). Eye inflammation can impact different eye parts, including the eyelids and surrounding tissues.
Why does eye inflammation occur?
Various causes may lead to eye inflammation. Environmental factors like dust, grass, or pollen can cause allergic reactions, and the immune system can trigger inflammation in response to the body.
Symptoms of Eye Inflammation
The most common symptoms of eye inflammation include:
- Redness: The eye becomes red
- Swelling: The swelling occurs in different parts of the eyes, including around the edges
- Itching: Itching is also readily observed.
- Tearing: The production of tears is more than normal tears may produce more tears
- Light sensitiveness – the person becomes sensitive to light
- Blurred vision: Vision gets blurred
- Eye pain: Pain in the eyes is while reading
Understanding Eye Inflammation in Ayurveda
In Ayurveda, eye inflammation can be termed “Netra Roga” (eye disease). The inflammation is analyzed based on the three doshas. An Ayurvedic expert analyzes the dosha involved and provides treatment using diet, lifestyle changes, herbal remedies, and panchakarma therapies, if needed, depending on the severity of the illness.
As per Ayurveda, eye inflammation mainly occurs due to an imbalance in pitta, vata, or kapha. Excess heat and inflammation are often seen in eye inflammation due to Pitta doshas. In the event of vata dosha, irritation or pain in the eyes is due to excessive air, whereas kapha dosha may cause swelling, heaviness, and watery eyes.
Episcleritis (scleral inflammation)
In Ayurveda, episcleritis is also known as Sirajapidika or Siraharsha. The disorder can lead to swelling in episcleral tissues, which is a loose & highly vascular connective tissue layer between the conjunctiva and sclera. Episcleritis occurs when you have strained your eyes, or they have become exhausted when driving consistently on a sunny day for a long hour, or you have exhausted your eyes while working on computers for a long time.
The disease is characterized by redness, lacrimation, and a burning sensation in the eyes. If it has occurred due to stress, the problem usually resolves within 2 to 3 weeks. However, if the occurrence is of the nodular type, it is often quite painful and tends to recur.
Ayurvedic treatment for episcleritis includes giving shamaka medications like Triphala Guggulu and Guduchi Kashaya can be used whereas kriyakalpa can be a valuable procedure to relieve immediate symptoms. However, Ayurvedic experts also suggest yoga therapies like suryanamaskar and anuloma vilom pranayama for non-recurrence.
Optic neuritis & inflammation
Optic neuritis can be understood as a condition characterized by inflammation in the optic nerve. Various other symptoms could be associated with optic neuritides, such as pain, vision loss, and difficulty distinguishing different types of colours. Modern medication addresses optic neuritis with treatments like corticosteroids or immunotherapy, which mainly focus on balancing bodily energies, reducing inflammation, and promoting overall eye health.
In Ayurveda, eye disorders, including optic neuritis, are often linked to an imbalance in pitta dosha, which governs heat and metabolism in the body. Excess pitta can manifest as inflammation and discomfort in the eyes. Uveitis causes inflammation of the uveal tract in the eye, which can cause discomfort, redness, and vision-related problems. Ayurveda’s approach is to manage uveitis by balancing the tri doshas, mainly Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
According to Ayurveda, uveitis is linked to an imbalance in pitta dosha, which governs heat and metabolism in the body. Factors like excessive heat, stress, infections, and poor dietary habits may aggravate pitta, leading to inflammation in the eyes.
Last year, there was a sudden surge in the cases of conjunctivitis, also known as Pink eyes. The pink issues mainly occur due to bacterial, viral, or allergic infections in the eyes. Usually, the infection starts in one eye and may spread to other eyes. The patients who are suffering from pink eye also experience inflammation and speak of sticky discharge on the eyelash corners, indicating the presence of this eye infection.
One precaution to be taken when you suffer from conjunctivitis is to stay home. Below is a list of a few more precautions required to manage conjunctivitis. You should avoid touching your eyes and using makeup until the eyes recover. Try to clean the sticky material attached to the corner of the eyes, and make sure that the pillows you use are neat and clean. Though the problem usually gets resolved in a week, if it deteriorates further, seek medical care immediately.
Blepharitis can be easily managed by making lifestyle changes and dietary modifications.
Eye inflammation blepharitis makes your eyelids red, swollen, irritated, and itchy.You should avoid consuming spicy, oily, and fried foods, which have properties that aggravate pitta dosha during blepharitis. You should also add detoxifying foods like aloe vera and coriander juice to your daily food habits.
Triphala eye wash is useful for the eyes as it reduces inflammation along with Triphala ghrita, which can nourish the eyes. Turmeric is used around the eyelids because of its anti-inflammatory properties. You can also opt for panchakarma therapy, where medicated ghee is retained around the eyes to nourish and rejuvenate them. This cleansing therapy helps balance Pitta dosha and, thereby, heals the inflammation. You should also take special precautions, such as exposure to irritants like smoke and harsh chemicals.
Eye inflammation can affect various parts of the eye and its surrounding tissues. The causes may range from environmental factors like allergens to immune system responses. Eye inflammation is linked to three doshas, i.e. pitta (heat-related inflammation), Vata (irritation or pain), and Kapha (swelling and heaviness). Still, it could be restored by Ayurvedic treatments such as Triphala eye washes and panchakarma therapies. Moreover the key is early diagnosis and timely management of these conditions effectively.
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