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Eye Conjunctivitis Treatment

eye conjunctivitis treatment

People across the nation have been experiencing increased eye infections like eye conjunctivitis in the eyes during the ongoing monsoon season due to increased humidity levels in the atmosphere. This eye conjunctivitis treatment is possible with Ayurvedic Eye drops. Due to eye conjunctivitis, most of you are longing to know the best way to get treatment naturally. There are most people who do not wish to go for chemical-loaded eye drops or medications. It is for them that we have come up with some natural alternatives that are backed by the age-old Indian science- Ayurveda.

Let’s learn about the term- Conjunctivitis.

Before moving forward with the various eye conjunctivitis treatment methods, let us learn a bit about the condition.

Conjunctivitis, also known as ‘pink eye’ or ‘sticky eye’, is a prevalent condition characterized by the reddening of the white part of the eye. One or both eyes may experience watering, soreness, or itching, and sometimes accompanied by sticky white or yellow discharge. This condition arises from inflammation of the clear outer layer of our eye (known as the conjunctiva) and the inner lining of the eyelid.

Allergic conjunctivitis can be seasonal or triggered by specific allergens such as pollen or animal dander. On the other hand, viral and bacterial conjunctivitis are highly contagious, making it essential to consult a doctor, optometrist, or pharmacist to accurately diagnose the cause and receive appropriate treatment.

According to Ayurvedic medicine:

According to Ayurvedic medicine, conjunctivitis is termed “Netrabhishyanda,” and the eyes are often considered the windows to the soul. In Ayurveda, they are closely associated with the Pitta dosha, specifically named “aloha.” Excessive heat and other aspects of the fire element can build up within the eyes, leading to symptoms like bloodshot and strained eyes, severe dryness, and reduced visibility.

Prevention method:

Prevention is better than cure” We have been hearing and learning this for ages. So, why not let you know some preventive methods before actually digging into the eye conjunctivitis treatment? These preventive methods can help in the reduction of the spreading of the condition and also control the worsening of symptoms. 

Maintaining good hygiene is crucial for controlling the spread of pink eye. By following proper eye care practices, you can reduce the risk of eye infections.

  • Avoid touching your eyes with bare hands.
  • Wash your hands frequently before touching your eyes.
  • Use only clean water to wash your eyes.
  • Change your pillow cover regularly.
  • Refrain from using any cosmetics, such as mascara, during the infection.
  • If you use contact lenses, follow your Ayurvedic doctor’s instructions carefully and handle them with care.
  • If a child is infected, it is a contagious disease, and it’s best to keep them at home and rest.
  • If there is no improvement with home remedies, visit an eye specialist as soon as possible.


Ayurvedic treatment for conjunctivitis:

  • The root of Berberis asiatica (Daaru haldi) is highly effective in treating conjunctivitis. To prepare a decoction, boil two parts by the weight of the root in 26 parts of water until the quantity reduces to about three parts. This decoction can be used as an eye ointment (collyrium) when mixed with honey.
  • Turmeric decoction is a cooling remedy for conjunctivitis. You can either wash your eyes with this decoction or apply a compress made with it over the eyes.
  • Use of good quality Ayurvedic eye drops for conjunctivitis. You can consult your Ayurvedic doctor to know the amount of the same to be used or read the guidelines mentioned by the brand for proper eye flu treatment. If self-help measures do not provide sufficient relief, your Ayurvedic doctor may prescribe eye drops to wash out the eyes, reduce swelling, soothe irritation, and relieve itching.
  • Triphala lotion can be made by soaking 15 gm of Triphala churna in 200 ml of water for half an hour, then boiling and filtering it. This lotion is used for washing the affected eyes 3-4 times a day.
  • Orally consuming about 5 gm of Triphala churna with water is beneficial for viral infections.
  • The freshly extracted juice of amla in a dose of 2 teaspoonfuls thrice a day is also beneficial.
  • If the prescribed medicines are not effective enough, your doctor might suggest desensitization therapy. This involves gradually increasing the dosage of the allergen to reduce or stop your allergic reaction. In Ayurveda, this concept is termed “okasaatmya.” External medications may be used for this purpose.


Note: Seek medical attention if you experience severe eye pain, eye sensitivity to light, yellowish-green pus-like discharge, or persistent or worsened symptoms even after 24 hours of self-care measures.

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