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10 Important Eye Care Tips in Monsoon Season

Eye Care Tips in Monsoon Season

With an increase in the cases of eye infection due to severe rainfall, conjunctivitis eye treatment is once again in the limelight. The infection continues to spread among adults and children in the National Capital and in other States of India making an immediate insurgence of treatment for eyes.

Conjunctivitis mainly occurs due to humid weather and continuous rainfall almost every monsoon. Though the doctors and the government tell people to take sufficient precautions against the “highly contagious’ ‘ infection, still it can’t be averted. Special  advisory to follow proper hygiene behavior is also suggested to keep the infection under control. Now let us understand the ailments before we get to the precaution.

What is conjunctivitis ?

In Conjunctivitis, a common eye infection seen during monsoons, people get to know the swelling or inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin, delicate layer of tissue that lines the eyelid’s inner surface that covers the eye’s white part. It is often caused due to viral or bacterial infection and in some cases the underlying disease may be responsible for the infection.

How do you get Conjunctivitis

The most common causes of pink eye include viruses, including the kind that causes the common cold, bacteria and allergens in the atmosphere such as pollen, dust, or smoke. It could also be due to a particular type of allergy that affects some people who wear contact lenses.

Other causes of conjunctivitis include using steroids based eye drops, which are readily available at medical counters, and rubbing the fingers in the eye area. On many occasions, it may also occur due to wearing of the contact lens.

Even eye irritants such as shampoos, dirt, smoke, and pool chlorine can lead to pink eye conditions. During pregnancy, if a woman has chlamydia, gonorrhea, or other bacteria in her body, when she gives birth, she can pass a pink eye to the baby through the birth canal.

Who is at risk of Conjunctivitis ?

Children and newborn babies are more likely to have conjunctivitis  or we could say that they are at a higher risk of having conjunctivitis. There are others also who are at higher risk of getting conjunctivitis. This may include

  •  When one interacts with someone who is suffering from conjunctivitis 
  •   When your body is more susceptible to cough , cold or any kind of respiratory infection. 
  •  Those who are fond of wearing contact lenses 
  •  People who are more exposed to allergen such as pollution, smoke

There may be mild bacterial infections and chronic viral cases in various conjunctivitis cases. Mild cases of infection may last for 2 to 5 days, whereas viral cases will last for up to 2 weeks.

Eye Care Advice for Monsoon

Practicing Good Eye Hygiene: Regular eye wash is critical in maintaining good eye hygiene during the monsoon season. It effectively cleans dust and allergens from the eyes, significantly reducing the risk of eye infections.

Avoid Rubbing Your Eyes: You should avoid rubbing your eyes so that

no harmful bacteria or irritants can get into the eye. Instead, it would help if you used a clean, soft cloth to wipe your eyes gently. This helps lower the risk of eye complications during the monsoon season and promotes overall eye health.

Wear Protective Eyewear: When venturing out during the monsoon season, remember your protective eyewear. Sunglasses are particularly effective in shielding your eyes from rainwater, dirt, and pollutants, providing a crucial layer of protection. Opt for UV-protected sunglasses for enhanced safety.

Stay Hydrated: Make sure you start drinking water for overall eye health. You should consume water consistently as it helps to check the risk of dryness and discomfort. Make hydration a part of your daily routine, especially during the monsoon season.

Keeping a Balanced Diet :

The daily diet plays a crucial role in maintaining eye health. During the monsoon season, make sure you start eating omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin C in your daily meals. These nutrients help protect against age-related eye problems.

Avoid Touching Eyes with Dirty Hands: Avoid touching your eyes with dirty hands during monsoon season, when your hands can be exposed to various germs and bacteria that can lead to eye infections. Take proactive measures by thoroughly washing your hands.

Keep Ayurvedic Eye Drops: Many Ayurvedic eye drops are available on the market to prevent your eyes from irritation, redness, and dryness.

Try to follow the instructions given by your eye specialist on how to use eye drops effectively.

Groom Your Contact Lenses Properly:

Cleaning contact lenses regularly is especially important during the monsoon season to maintain proper hygiene. Ensure you follow the instructions given by your eye care professional on using contact lenses correctly, and avoid wearing them during heavy rainstorms to reduce the risk of eye infections.

Proper Ventilation: If you live in a damp house, make sure that it has proper ventilation. Pure ventilation is important to fight mold and fungus growth, which could affect the eyes during the monsoon season. Using big fans can help decrease moisture in your environment, promoting better eye health.

Visit an Eye Specialist: Don’t start taking medicine alone; instead, meet Ayurveda experts who can help you maintain optimal eye health, regardless of the season. Professional check-ups can identify any underlying eye condition or potential problems early, allowing prompt treatment.

Eye Flu Diet: Healthy diet For Faster Recovery

Vitamin A-Rich Foods 

Consuming food that is rich in Vitamin A helps promote tissue repair at a rapid rate. Therefore, if you start consuming foods rich in Vitamin A, like carrots, sweet potatoes, kale, apricots and kale, you can enhance eye healing rapidly.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids:  

Omega-3 Fatty acidic foods have anti-inflammatory qualities, which are believed to diminish eye inflammation and pain during eye flu. You can add food sources (salmon, mackerel, sardines, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and walnuts) to your dietary regimen.

Citrus Fruits 

Citrus fruits, including lemons, grapes, and oranges, are considered a source of Vitamin C. These fruits help strengthen the immune system and aid in faster recovery from eye flu.

Green Leafy Vegetables

Lutein and zeaxanthin, which are foods rich in antioxidants, are essential for maintaining eye health. Spinach, kale, and collard greens can help ease eye inflammation and provide relief from discomfort.

Herbal Teas

Herbal teas like calendula have anti-inflammatory effects, which add to their relaxing benefits of relieving eye inflammation. Engulfing in the habit of drinking such teas throughout can help in easing eye pain.


For overall eye health, berries are considered one of the best eye aids. Berries like blueberries and raspberries have antioxidants that can help reduce eye swelling and promote healing.   

How is conjunctivitis eye treatment a challenge for long driving?

Conjunctivitis eye treatment is a challenge for individuals who drive regularly or are into long driving. If you have watery eyes, itching, and sneezing during conjunctivitis, it impacts the driver’s concentration and performance on the road. The response rate to any activity while driving is hampered to a great extent, ultimately impacting or hindering the eyes’ ability to capture stimuli adequately, in turn leading to wrong decision making while driving 

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