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Revealing Colors for the Colorblind With Ayurveda


Do you know? There are more than 300 million people in the world, who are suffering from color blindness deficiency. Color blindness deficiency is more affects on men compared to women. It is a genetic disorder.

Let’s know more about color blindness deficiency.

What is color Blindness Deficiency?

color blindness happens when the person is not able to see different colors in the same way as other people. color blindness is also occurring when the person cannot differentiate between certain colors. This is mainly appearing between the green, red, and sometimes blue colors. It is also called color vision deficiency (CVD).

Color blindness is a genetic medical issue. It is most common in men as it passes the X chromosome. The female rarely faces color blindness deficiency problems. There are most people believe in Ayurvedic Treatments.

There are two different types of light-detecting cells in the retina. They are referred to as cones and rods and rods. Rods are particularly sensitive to low light levels and only detect light and dark. Cone cells, which are located close to the center of your eyesight, pick up color. Red, green, and blue cones are the three different varieties of color-seeking cones. These cone cells provide information to the brain that influences how we perceive color.

When one or more of the color cone cells are missing, not functioning, or sense a different color than usual, color blindness may result. The absence of all three cones cells results in severe color blindness. When all three cone cells are present but one cone cell is malfunctioning, mild color blindness results. A different color than usual is picked up by it.

Different levels of color blindness exist. Some individuals with mild color blindness can see colors normally in bright light but struggle in low light. Others are unable to tell specific colors apart in any lighting, rarely occurs the most extreme type of color blindness, is when everything is viewed in greyscale. In most cases, color blindness affects both eyes equally and doesn’t change over time.

Symptoms for Color Blindness

color blindness can cause mild to severe symptoms. Many people don’t realize they are color-deficient since their symptoms are so minor. Parents might only become aware of a child’s issue when the child is learning his colors.

The symptoms are:

  • Trouble seeing different colors and the brightness of the color in daily everyday life.
  • Not able to identify the different shades of the same or similar color. This mostly happens with red, blue, green, and yellow colors.
  • Sensitive against the bright light
  • Speedup of eye movement


What are the causes of color Blindness?

The majority of color blindness cases are congenital. This is referred to as a congenital disorder. Birth abnormalities that affect color vision typically transfer from mother to son.

The retinal cones are absent whole or part as a result of these abnormalities. Cones make it easier for you to tell out the hue of red, green, and blue.


Most cases of color vision impairment are inherited. Usually, a woman passes it on to her son. Blindness or other vision loss is not brought on by inherited color blindness.


An illness or injury to your retina can also cause color blindness. Glaucoma is characterized by excessively high intraocular pressure, which is the pressure inside the eye. The optic nerve, which transmits a message from the eye to the brain so you can see, is damaged by the pressure. Your capacity to discriminate between hues could therefore decline.

The cones are found in the retina, which is harmed by macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. It may lead to color blindness. It can sometimes result in blindness.

The lens of your eye gradually transforms from translucent to opaque if you have a cataract. This could cause a fading of your color vision.

Various other conditions that might impair vision include:

  • Diabetes
  • Parkinson’s condition
  • Alzheimer’s condition
  • A number of sclerosis


Changes in color vision may result from taking certain drugs. These include thioridazine and chlorpromazine, two antipsychotic drugs. Ethambutol (Myambutol), an antibiotic used to treat tuberculosis, can affect the optic nerve and make it difficult to perceive particular colors.

 Other elements

Other causes may also contribute to color blindness. One of the elements is age.. Age-related progressive vision loss and color deficiencies are possible. Additionally, the loss of color vision has been connected to harmful compounds like styrene, which can be found in some plastics.

Ayurveda Treatment Effect of color Blindness  

There are three mind-body types or doshas that are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. All these mind-body types or doshas are dominated by each of these two elements and that’s why they have their own strengths and weaknesses. 

We all are attracted to certain colors. color treatment in Ayurveda helps in understanding which color supports or attracts your mind-body type. So, with the help of these users can easily identify and balance the color treatment of your dosha. That helps you to promote a healthy mind and healthy body. 

Conclusion for color Blindness

The best way to treat color blindness is through Ayurveda treatment. Dr. Basu Eye Hospital provides the best Ayurvedic facility for color blindness deficiency with no side effects. The medicines are 100% authentic and natural and are extracted from natural herbs. This does not have any side effects on your eyes. Dr. Basu Eye Hospital is one of the leading hospitals which has more than 42 years of the best experience in Ayurvedic eye treatment providing Ayurvedic eye care solutions to thousands of patients.

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