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A Complete Guide About Myopia and Hypermetropia


Have you ever wondered why people complain about not being able to see nearby objects ? It is obviously due to a vision problem. The answer lies in two common vision problems: Myopia and Hypermetropia. Let’s first understand the difference between these two and then about myopia treatment.

Difference between Myopia and Hypermetropia



Also termed as nearsightedness 

Also termed as longsightedness

the image is formed in front of the Retina

the image is formed behind the Retina

It is caused due to excessive curvature of eye lens 

It is caused when eyeball is too short 

Myopia is corrected by using a Concave Lens 

  Hypermetropia is  corrected by using  Convex lens 

What is Hypermetropia?

Hypermetropia is also termed as Long-sightedness, a problem with near vision where seeing things  nearby becomes difficult and the eyes can’t  focus on nearby objects  making them become very tired soon. However the vision remains clearer while concentrating on far  lying objects. Doctors recommend either glasses or any contact lens  for instant relief. Being a Refractive error disease, Hypermetropia is also known as refractive error

Hypermetropia Symptoms

Before continuing further we should be aware about hypermetropia and its symptoms. These include

  • Eyes get tired easily  (asthenopia).
  •  Headaches 
  •  Vision is not at ease 
  •  Lazy eye ( amblyopia )
  •  Squint eyes 

Causes Of Hypermetropia

The eye is like a camera. It focuses light on the back of your eye (on a place called the retina), which provides you with clear vision. Long-sight ( hypermetropia )is caused when the light is not correctly focused, with the light traversing after the retina.

  • One cause may be that your eyeballs are shorter than usual. This means that the retina is closer to the pupil, causing light to travel past the retina. A regular eye is usually around 23mm in length, so an eye that is hypermetropic will be shorter than 23mm.
  • Alternatively, you can also have hypermetropia if your cornea is flat. The cornea should be curved to direct light onto the retina.

Both of these factors can cause long-sightedness, as they cause light to travel past the retina. This results in blurry vision and can affect your daily life.

What is myopia?

Myopia is also known as nearsightedness, where you can see objects nearby, whereas there is difficulty in seeing objects far away. For example, if you’re nearsighted, you may not be able to make out highway signs until they’re just a few feet away.

Myopia can impact any age group but is very prevalent in the younger population. Various research has reported that prolonged screen viewing leads to faster progression of myopia (nearsightedness) in children and adolescents. The addiction to smartphone usage has resulted in experiencing eye fatigue and strain, resulting in more cases of myopia in the younger population of smartphone use.

Nearsightedness: Myopia Symptoms

Myopia starts with different signs and symptoms that include 


eye strains 


Nearsightedness: Myopia Treatment

Most doctors suggest or recommend eyeglasses or contact lenses, a prevalent approach to correct nearsightedness. This helps the patient get their eyesight back immediately as the light entering the eye can focus on the retina in the back of the eye.

At Dr Basu Eye Hospital, we encourage the patients to get the proper myopia treatment. We recommend medications that can reduce their eye power, eliminate the glasses, and help achieve normal vision. For anyone who comes to get their near and farsightedness rectified, we don’t encourage changing glasses but get complete elimination of glasses by following the recommended medication by our expert eye specialist.

Risk factors associated with Myopia

Indeed, nearsightedness, or Myopia, often runs in families, suggesting a genetic component. However, the inheritance pattern of Myopia can be complex and influenced by other factors beyond genetics. While having parents with nearsightedness increases the likelihood of a child becoming nearsighted, it’s not a guarantee. Conversely, children can develop Myopia even if their parents do not have it.

Research suggests that both genetic and environmental factors contribute to the development of Myopia. Environmental factors such as excessive near work (like reading or screen time), limited outdoor time, and certain lifestyle habits may also play significant roles in the onset and progression of Myopia, especially in children.

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