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Enhancing Eye Health With Ayurvedic Practices

Eye Treatment

Most people tend to give their eyes attention only when issues arise. Yet, if you spend extensive hours gazing at screens, it can quietly erode your eye health.At Dr. Basu Eye Hospital, our seasoned Ayurvedic doctors advise proactive measures for maintaining optimal health even before any concerns emerge. In pursuit of this goal, we will discuss a few Ayurvedic treatment  methods and natural eye care remedies to preempt potential problems and sustain good vision.

In recent decades, our eyes have been under more strain than ever, primarily due to the increased use of mobile and laptop screens. This heightened usage has given rise to a range of signs indicating eye stress, including headaches, burning or dry sensations, dark circles, and vision-related problems. The artificial light emitted by LEDs and TFT screens, which is starkly different in composition from the natural sunlight our eyes have evolved to handle, has adverse effects on our pituitary hormones and neurotransmitters. It also disrupts our sleep patterns.

It’s essential to grasp the importance of proper eye care in line with Ayurvedic principles and discover uncomplicated ways to integrate eye care routines into our daily lives and diets to prevent such issues. According to Ayurveda, the eyes are regarded as the seat of the pitta dosha and require regular care, cooling, and lubrication. When the frequency of blinking decreases, this crucial cooling and lubrication process is disrupted, increasing the risk of eye strain.The best thing about Ayurveda is that you can use natural remedies and manage the symptoms  of eye problems like cataract, glaucoma and Myopia without surgery. Below, you will find some of the eye care recommendations advocated by Ayurveda.

Ayurvedic Eye Care Tips

1.   Cleansing eye with ghee

Vata dosha comprises the elements of air and ether, imparting it with characteristics of being lightweight, dry, cold, mobile, and flowing. When vata becomes imbalanced, these attributes can become excessive and lead to issues such as dry skin, constipation, and, unsurprisingly, dry eyes. Ayurveda suggests that to regain balance, it is essential to introduce moisture to the eyes through the application of oil. One method to achieve this is by cleansing the eyes with ghee. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Take one teaspoon of ghee and place it into a clean, sterilized eye wash cup. Submerge the eye wash cup in a bowl of hot water, ensuring that the water level remains below the top of the eye wash cup. Let the hot water warm the eye wash cup and melt the ghee. Be sure to allow it to cool to a comfortable temperature before using it on your eyes (you can perform a temperature test on your wrist to ensure it’s suitable). Once the ghee reaches the right temperature, gently lower your head and position the eye wash cup next to your right eye. Secure the eye wash cup around your eye socket, tilt your head back, and open your eye. Blink and move your eye in various directions to enable the warm ghee to moisturize and nourish the entire eye. Stay in this position for 15-60 seconds, then repeat the process with your other eye.For better results, we recommend incorporating this eye wash ritual once a week. In cases of acute dryness, consider performing it daily. This ritual is most effective when done at night, just before bedtime, allowing your eyes to rest and rejuvenate while you sleep.

2.   Well-Balanced Diet for Optimal Eye Health

The role of a balanced diet in preserving eye health and enhancing vision cannot be overstated. Ayurveda underscores the significance of a well-rounded diet in maintaining doshic equilibrium and promoting overall well-being. Moreover, a diet rich in essential nutrients like vitamins A, C, and E, as well as antioxidants, is instrumental in nurturing healthy eyes. A good diet plan that includes vital nutrients are an integral part of Ayurvedic treatment and can help in managing myopia, glaucoma, and even cataract without surgery. For instance, foods like carrots, leafy greens, and sweet potatoes, abundant in Vitamin A, play a pivotal role in sustaining clear eyesight. The inclusion of Vitamin C sources such as citrus fruits, berries, and peppers is linked to a reduced risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. Vitamin E, which can be sourced from nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils, contributes to shielding the eyes from oxidative stress. Antioxidants, prevalent in fruits and vegetables, serve as a protective barrier against the harmful effects of free radicals on the eyes. In Ayurvedic eye care practices, it’s equally crucial to steer clear of foods that can jeopardize eye health. Processed foods, fried items, and sugary beverages should be avoided, as they have the potential to induce inflammation and oxidative stress, ultimately harming the eyes.

3.  Using Triphala For Kapha Dosha

The Kapha dosha encompasses the elements of earth and water, imbuing it with characteristics of being heavy, cold, dense, and cloudy. Excessive expression of these qualities can manifest as oily skin, sluggish digestion, and a lack of motivation. When Kapha becomes imbalanced in the eyes, it may lead to puffiness or swelling, a condition that, from an Ayurvedic perspective, is often linked to imbalanced Pitta dosha. Initially, Pitta dosha contributes to inflammation due to overworked and fatigued eyes, which triggers Kapha dosha to react in an attempt to mitigate Pitta’s heat. The result is swollen and puffy eyes. Since Pitta dosha is also implicated in puffy eyes, employing a Rosewater Eye Wash is recommended. Additionally, one can turn to Ayurvedic Triphala formulation to help alleviate swelling and rejuvenate the eyes.Triphala is one of the most widely used classical Ayurvedic formulas globally, and its popularity is well-founded. Comprising three Indian fruits – haritaki, amalaki, and bibhitaki – Triphala is commonly used to promote regular bowel movements, eliminate toxins (ama) from the body, and support healthy digestion. Its significant Vitamin C content can assist the eyes in combatting the oxidative stress often responsible for inflammation, ultimately providing relief from swollen and puffy eyes. Here’s how to go about it:

To prepare your Triphala Eye Wash, mix ½ teaspoon of Triphala powder with 8 ounces of freshly boiled water. Allow this mixture to steep for a minimum of 8 hours. Subsequently, strain the solution using a triple layer of cheesecloth to ensure complete removal of all Triphala powder residue. If necessary, repeat this straining process multiple times to ensure thorough sediment removal.

Fill your eye wash cup to about three-quarters full with the infused Triphala water. Then, lower your head and place the eye wash cup against your right eye. Gently secure the eye wash cup around your eye socket, tilt your head back, and open your eye. Blink and move your eye in different directions to permit the soothing and revitalizing cool water to envelop your entire eye. Maintain this position for 15-60 seconds, then repeat the process with your other eye.Triphala Eye Wash can be performed weekly for routine maintenance or daily if experiencing acute symptoms. It’s most beneficial when done in the morning, as it helps fortify and prepare your eyes for the demands of your busy day.

In line with the comprehensive principles of Ayurveda, the treatments mentioned have a holistic impact, not confined solely to the eyes, but encompassing the entire individual. Conversely, any approach that contributes to the overall balance of doshas within the body also extends its benefits to the eyes.

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