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Is Effective Cataract Treatments Without Surgery Possible?

Effective treatment of Cataract in Delhi

A cataract is a vision-impairing disorder characterized by gradual, progressive lens thickening. It is one of the leading causes of blindness in the world nowadays. With the advancement in Ayurveda or Ayurvedic coming back into the limelight, people have a query: Is Cataract treatment without surgery Possible? 

A cataract is indeed treatable, and the best way to start is by imbibing beneficial lifestyle practices. This can help slow the onset of cataracts or mitigate their effects. Make sure you slow down your alcohol consumption and keep a check on smoking, which can enhance the chances of developing cataracts faster. 

Cutting down on unhealthy activities can help slow the growth of cataracts. Good lifestyle acceptance is by adding a diet rich in vitamins and minerals. This can reduce the risk of developing cataracts and therefore it is advisable to add a diet which has more vegetables and fruits. 


An age-related cataract is also called a Senile Cataract. It starts appearing in patients or is expected to affect most patients in old age. At age 40, the proteins in the eye’s lens usually start to break down and clump together. The clump formation is responsible for cloudy areas in the lens and is also termed a Cataract. 

The Cataract is immature in the first few months when the person reports symptoms such as trouble seeing at night and sensitivity to light and glare. With time, the Cataract gets worse and makes the lens become more cloudy.


  • Vision characterized by cloudiness and blurriness
  • Increased sensitivity to light
  • Difficulty seeing in dim light conditions
  • Reading is only possible in bright light
  • Perception of “halos” around lights


  • Congenital factors, such as abnormal galactose metabolism
  • Advancing age
  • Specific medications
  • Traumatic injuries
  • History of ocular surgeries
  • Exposure to ionizing radiation

Read More: Holistic Ayurvedic Solutions for Cataract Management

Different Ayurvedic treatment without surgery to Check Cataract

There are various latest Ayurvedic treatments  without surgery to check cataracts, which include using herbal eye drops and herbal medications that can help you revive your deteriorating eyesight due to cataracts.  Along with consuming a diet rich in antioxidants and Ayurvedic herbs and undergoing Panchakarma therapy to detoxify the body, we have discussed a few Yogic practices and  Ayurvedic methods that can help check Cataracts and even eradicate them. 

This Ayurvedic treatment is not only for Cataract but Ayurveda can also cure eye disorders like  Myopia, Hypermetropia and other eye complications.

Nadi Shuddhi Pranayama

Lifestyle changes can also include practicing the proper Yogic practices. This includes doing the Nadi Shuddhi Pranayama. The pranayam helps calm the mind and soothes the eyes to eliminate eye irritations associated with cataracts. 

To practice this yoga, the patient must sit meditative ( Sukh asana), erecting the head and spine and keeping the body completely relaxed. In this yogic practice, the patient must close one nostril and breathe in from the other. He can start from the left nostril if he closes his right and vice versa with the thumb and exhales entirely through the other nostril. The next step is to breathe in deeply through the other nostril and now you can close the opposite nostril with the thumb.

Anjana (Elaneer Kuzhambu)

Early diagnosis and correct management can successfully treat and cure immature cataracts and even prevent the progression of senile cataracts. Therefore, starting Rasayana Chikitsa at the first sign of Cataract is crucial. Anjana (Elaneer Kuzhambu) is an Ayurvedic pharmaceutical that can successfully treat and cure immature Cataracts and prevent progression into senile Cataracts. 

The recommended regimen involves orally administering 500mg of Triphaladi Ghanavati and applying 60mg of Elaneer Kuzhambu Anjana topically to both eyes. This combination has demonstrated remarkable effectiveness in preventing senile cataracts.

Triphaladi Ghanavati is convenient for oral consumption. Given that the eye is classified as kaphasthana, the use of Elaneer Kuzhambu, which induces watering of the eyes, proves beneficial in alleviating excessive kapha dosha.

Together, both these herbs aid in reducing cataract thickness, enhancing vision, and stopping darkness around the retina. Similarly, it revives pupil color while eradicating eye infections and drooping symptoms of glaucoma.

Ayurvedic Recommendations for Cataract Prevention:

Ayurveda focuses on treating cataracts and advocates specific lifestyle tips that can significantly reduce the risk of cataract development. Here are some explanations:

  1. Incorporate ghee into your daily diet. Consume one teaspoon of ghee twice daily to maintain optimal vascular system function.
  2. Avoid pickles, strong tea, black coffee, sauces, and other bitter or sour foods.
  3. Ayurvedic experts recommend regularly consuming cow milk and dairy products for cataract patients to prevent the condition from worsening.
  4. Include vitamin C-rich fruits such as oranges, apples, pomegranates, and bananas in your diet.
  5. Consume green leafy vegetables like spinach and ladyfinger regularly.
  6. Enhance your meals by incorporating fenugreek seeds.
  7. Smoking disrupts the pitta doshas and negatively heightens vata. Quit smoking to maintain balance in the pitta doshas.
  8. Incorporate good sources of vitamin E into your diet, such as sunflower seeds, almonds, and spinach.
  9. To minimize vata aggravation, practice calming techniques and avoid excessive worrying or anxiety.
  10. Steer clear of harmful chemicals like X-rays and infrared rays.

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs)

Can Ayurvedic treatment improve eyesight?

There are many herbal ingredients which can help eye treatment. One of them is Punarnava that embodies the concept of rejuvenation, described as the process of renewing the aging body. Functioning as a revitalizing agent, Punarnava facilitates the cleansing and nourishment of tissues by opening them up. The Laghu and Ruksha properties enhance microcirculation in the eyes. Its rakt and rasvaahi gunas enable it to effectively influence the microvasculature of the eye.

Can cataract be cured without surgery in Ayurveda?

With a change in lifestyle you can definitely improve your Cataract conditions. Lifestyle changes include dietary changes along with inculcating good yogic practices. However with the right Ayurvedic medication you can definitely check cataract. 

What is the best way to lower eye pressure naturally?

Lifestyle and Self-Care Strategies:

  1. Maintain a nutritious diet. While a healthy diet supports overall well-being, it doesn’t serve as a preventive measure for halting the progression of glaucoma.
  2. Engage in safe and regular exercise, which has the potential to lower eye pressure.
  3. Moderate your caffeine intake.
  4. Be mindful of fluid consumption.
  5. Adhere to prescribed medication regime
How does Ayurveda treat eye allergies?


Triphala: known for its tri-dosha balancing qualities, it is beneficial in addressing eye allergies. It aids in diminishing inflammation, itching, and redness in the eyes.

Neem: has Kapha and Pitta balancing attributes; Neem effectively treats eye allergies arising from imbalances in these doshas.

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