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All About CRVO treatment And Ayurveda Remedies


Have you been suffering a lot lately due to blurry vision, extreme pain, or even some eye redness? Well! That could be way more than just an eye infection. It could be symptoms of CRVO, and early detection and Ayurvedic CRVO treatment can help prevent damage to the eyes by managing the associated symptoms. But, before we jump into the article and learn more about holistic therapies, let us first know about the disease.

About CRVO:

CRVO, or Central Retinal Vein Occlusion, is an ocular ailment that impacts the retina, the layer of light-responsive tissue at the back of the eye. The condition arises when a clot obstructs the primary vein draining blood from the retina. Typically, CRVO only affects one eye. However, early retinal vein occlusion treatment can help prevent eye damage.

Symptoms of CRVO:

Blurry vision is a common symptom experienced by numerous individuals with CRVO. There may be no noticeable indications in cases where the condition is mild. However, the affected individual may experience eye pain or redness in more severe instances. Therefore, it is essential to seek advice from an eye specialist promptly, even if the symptoms are mild. Early intervention and CRVO treatment in Ayurveda can enhance the likelihood of preventing vision loss due to CRVO.

Factors that increase the risk of developing CRVO include:


Individuals aged 55 and above are at a higher risk, accounting for more than 90% of cases.


High blood pressure is prevalent in approximately 73% of CRVO patients aged 50 and above and 25% of younger patients. Poor control of hypertension can also predispose an individual to recurrent CRVO in the same or fellow eye.


A total cholesterol level of over 6.5 mmol/l is present in 35% of individuals with CRVO, regardless of age.

Diabetes mellitus

Hyperglycemia is present in around 10% of cases in individuals aged 50 years and above but is less common in younger patients. This may be due to the prevalence of other cardiovascular risk factors, such as hypertension, in 70% of type 2 diabetics.

Oral contraceptive pill

In younger women, the use of contraceptive pills is the most common underlying factor associated with CRVO. However, women should avoid taking the medication after experiencing retinal vein occlusion as thrombophilia may worsen the risk.

Raised intraocular pressure

High intraocular pressure increases the risk of CRVO, primarily when the obstruction occurs at the optic cup’s edge.


Smoking may increase the likelihood of CRVO

CRVO And Ayurveda:

Studies have shown:

  1. According to Ayurveda, CRVO is believed to be caused by Raktavaha Sroto Dushti, and treatment is therefore centred around Raktapitta Shamana. A study published in Gupta SP, Vaghela DB. et al. Management of central retinal vein occlusion through Ayurveda: A Case Study. Int J Health Sci Res. 2019; 9(5):448-452.

The Ayurvedic approach for treating CRVO with Pitta-rakta Shamana drugs has shown promise in restoring vision in patients. Vasaguduchyadi Kashaya, which contains Tikta and Kashaya Rasa and Pittaprashaman properties, effectively treats Panduroga, Raktapitta, and Kamala, and can be used in hemorrhage cases. The accumulation of Ama, responsible for Srotoavrodha and Vyana Vayu Vaishamaya, leading to retinal hemorrhage, can be removed with Shunthi, which has Madhura Vipaka and Ushna Virya properties. Koshtha Sodhana was used for Pratilomahara Chikitsa, similar to Urdhwga Raktapitta’s condition. Nasya Karma, which provides strength to the Indriya and does Srotoshodhana, was done with Ksheerabala Taila to correct Vayana Vayu Vaishamya. Patoladi Ghrita, which contains Tikta and Kashaya Rasa with Pittarakta Shamana properties, is effective in correcting the pathology of Raktavaha Sroto Dushti and reducing macular oedema. Nasya was done with Ksheerabala Taila to correct Vayana Vayu Vaishamya. The improvement in near vision may be due to a reduction in macular edema. No adverse events were noticed during the course of treatment and the follow-up period, and the patient was entirely on Ayurvedic treatment, having stopped allopathic medicines before treatment.

  1. As per another study published in Ayurvedic Management of a Case of Central Retinal Vein Occlusion

The different types of Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRVO) are classified based on their causes, with ischaemic and non-ischaemic varieties being the main types. Various treatment methods for CRVO include:

  • Intra-vitreal anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (anti-VEGF) injections.
  • Pan-retinal LASER photocoagulation.
  • Pars plana vitrectomy.

This case report details the story of a 31-year-old female with a two-month history of blurring and fogginess of vision in her left eye (OS), who had previously been diagnosed with CRVO. Ayurvedic diagnostic methods revealed that the patient was experiencing Timira or blurring of vision. She underwent inpatient treatment in October 2014 and January 2015, which involved administering oral medications such as Kashaya (decoctions), tablets, and Sattva (starch extract), as well as external therapies such as Panchakarma therapy and local therapies for the head and eye (Kriyakalpa). The patient’s condition was assessed using Distant Visual Acuity (DVA), posterior segment examination, and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), which showed improvement both at discharge and during 2 subsequent follow-ups. This case demonstrates that timely and appropriate consultation and Ayurvedic treatment can lead to significant improvements in both vision and overall well-being.

CRVO treatment in Ayurveda:

Bilberry – Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) is a herb that is packed with antioxidants and is known to be effective in treating CRVO. It can help strengthen the muscles of the eyes and improve blood circulation throughout the body. Ayurvedic retinal vein occlusion treatment with Bilberry and the dosage suggested by an Ayurvedic Doctor can help in managing the symptoms.

Gotu kola – Gotu kola (Centella Asiatica) is a herb known for strengthening weakened veins and arteries. It can help remove obstructions in blood vessels and relieve symptoms such as wavy or blurred vision.

Arjuna – Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) is an effective herb in resolving obstructions and occlusions in the blood vessels of the eye. It is also packed with antioxidants and can provide strength to the veins and arteries of the eyes and prevent clot formation in blood vessels.

Vitamin and mineral-rich foods and supplements – Certain vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A, C, beta-carotene, and E, zinc, copper, lutein, zeaxanthin, and astaxanthin, are known to provide proper nutrition to the eyes, improve blood circulation, and strengthen blood vessels. These vital nutrients are also excellent for ayurvedic treatment for macular degeneration.

Ayurvedic therapies:

Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine, offers various therapies for treating CRVO. Here are some of the commonly used Ayurvedic therapies for CRVO:

Panchakarma Therapy: Panchakarma is a cleansing and rejuvenating therapy that involves using different techniques to remove toxins from the body. It includes five main procedures – Vamana (therapeutic vomiting), Virechana (purgation), Basti (enema), Nasya (nasal administration of medicines), and Raktamokshana (bloodletting). Panchakarma therapy is used to detoxify and rejuvenate the body, which in turn can help treat CRVO.

Netra Tarpana: Netra Tarpana is an Ayurvedic therapy that involves keeping the eyes in a pool of medicated ghee or oil for a specific period. It is a rejuvenating therapy for the eyes and is believed to improve vision and alleviate eye-related disorders.

Shirodhara: Shirodhara is a therapeutic Ayurvedic treatment that involves pouring a continuous stream of warm oil on the forehead. It is a deeply relaxing therapy that can help reduce stress and improve blood circulation, benefiting CRVO patients.

Nasya: Nasya is an Ayurvedic therapy that involves the administration of herbal oils or powders through the nostrils. It is believed to improve the functioning of the eyes and alleviate eye-related disorders.

Yoga and Pranayama: Yoga and Pranayama involve various postures and breathing techniques. These practices can help improve blood circulation, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve overall health and well-being, which can benefit CRVO patients.

Conclusion: If you want holistic treatment and choose all-natural and no-invasive techniques, then Ayurveda is always the best option for CRVO treatment.

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