Dr Basu Eye Hospital is Now Dr Basu Eye Care Centre

Complete guide to Ayurveda’s use in eye care

Ayurveda eye care

We strongly depend on our highly developed sense of sight, the eyes, to make life easier and more beautiful. Our eyes help us recognise things, avoid dangers, and manifest surroundings by receiving light waves and converting them into electrical signals, which are then transmitted to the brain, where they are processed, assimilated, and converted into images humans can comprehend.

According to Ayurveda, alochaka pitta, a subdosha of pitta, is housed in our eyes. Alochaka pitta is the fire in the eyes since the pitta dosha is associated with the fire element. Alochaka pitta is specifically located within the retina and helps in absorbing light from the outside world and starting the visual process.

The alochaka pitta, which governs our eyes, is quickly overworked and overused in the modern world. Our eyes are unusually exposed to blue light through the regular and persistent use of smartphones, laptops, tablets, and televisions, which can speed up the ageing process of our eyes. Dryness, inflammation, and puffiness are some of the signs of strained eyes. According to Ayurveda, inflammation, puffy or swollen eyes, and dry eyes are all signs of Vata imbalances, pitta imbalances, or Kapha imbalances.

Moreover, to avoid eye health hazards, taking care of your eyes is crucial. Here are some eye care tips for you in the light of Ayurveda.

Washing routine

Ayurveda advice following a regular eyewash regimen. Wash your eyes while keeping water in your mouth when you wake up. The use of water that is either too hot or too cold for the eyes is discouraged by ayurvedic wisdom. Extreme weather is always potentially dangerous. This morning eye wash practice allows you to maintain your eyes naturally healthy.


Practice Trataka

Your eyesight can be stimulated to increase blood flow, ultimately enhancing vision. Trataka is an Ayurvedic practice where we gaze at a burning ghee lamp. Light a ghee lamp with a cotton wick to practice this. Shut off all the lights in your room, sit on the floor with legs crossed, set the ghee lamp there, and stare at it. Place the lamp at a 30-degree viewing angle. Ten minutes a day of practice increases eye lustre and strength.

Herbs from Ayurveda

Many Ayurvedic herbs can aid in enhancing eye health. For instance, Amla, Punarnava, and Triphala can significantly improve eye health.

Practice Yoga regularly

According to Ayurveda, yoga is a beneficial eye-care technique. Regular practising of yoga can also prove to be beneficial for the eyes. Practice yoga by holding the poses Halasana, Chakrasana, Sarvangasana, or Shirshasana.

Ayurvedic remedies for eyes

Ayurvedic remedies for eyes


Rose water eyewash

Add 3/4 of rose water to your eye wash cup. Put the eye wash cup up to your right eye while lowering your head and tilting it to the side. Lean back and open your eye while maintaining firm pressure on the eye wash cup around your eye socket. Blink and move your eye around to let the refreshing water calm and rehydrate your whole eye. Repeat the same process on the other eye after staying here between 15 and 60 seconds.

The morning is ideal for this eyewash practice, according to Ayurveda’s dinacharya, or daily schedule. You can practise this routine every day for severe pitta imbalance or once a week to preserve the health of your eyes.


Triphala eye wash

Mix ½ teaspoon of Triphala powder with 8 ounces of just-boiled water to make your Triphala Eye Wash. Give this combination at least 8 hours to rest. After that, filter the mixture using three cheesecloth layers to eliminate all of the Triphala powder sediment. Repeat this procedure a couple more times if necessary to ensure all the sediments have been removed.

Fill ¾ of your infused Triphala water in your eye wash cup. Place the eye wash cup on your right eye while lowering your head. Lean back and open your eye while maintaining firm pressure on the eye wash cup around your eye socket. Blink and move your eye around to let the refreshing water calm and rehydrate your whole eye. Continue this process between 15-60 seconds, then repeat on the other eye.

You can use Triphala eye wash daily for acute symptoms or once a week for maintenance. To strengthen and prepare the eyes for the demands of your busy day, it is preferable to do it in the morning.

One of the best Ayurveda hospitals in India, Dr. Basu Eye Hospital provides top-notch eye treatments and has been a leader in ayurvedic eye care for 42 years. The Dr. Basu Eye Hospital is a facility for the non-operative treatment of numerous eye problems, including Immature Cataracts, Diabetic Retinopathy, Macular Degeneration, Color Blindness, and Glaucoma.

Dr. Basu Eye Hospital is equipped with cutting-edge technologies and highly-skilled support staff to assist doctors and patients. The team of highly qualified and experienced doctors have been helping and giving the best treatment to patients with eye issues for years now. If you are looking for a regular eye care regimen using Ayurvedic solutions and methods, book an appointment at +91 8235808080.

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