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Eye Yoga: Exercises to Reduce Eye Power, Relieve Stress, and Improve Vision

Eye Yoga

Information technology has become a boon for a person’s overall development in the current century. However, it also has certain disadvantages if used excessively. Excessive television watching and spending a lot of time on social networking sites on mobile and computer have increased eye complaints.

How Eye Yoga Helps Improve vision?

Eye yoga involves focusing and shifting your attention to activities targeting your eye muscles. Around six muscles are connected to each eyeball, allowing you to move your eyes quickly. Some eye yoga exercises fortify those muscles, while others help them relax. The key is to “exercise” or move your eyes without moving your head or neck. 

Yogic eye workouts are also called eye yoga. Such activities and workouts claim to strengthen and prepare the muscles in your eye structure. People who practice eye yoga often hope to improve their vision, treat dry eye symptoms, and decrease eye strain.

It’s important to note that while eye yoga has its merits, there is currently no scientific evidence to support claims that it can correct refractive error  conditions like near and far vision issues and astigmatism. Practically many individuals have benefitted from yogic kriya in the long run. Though it’s proven that Eye exercises improve vision, we cannot rely entirely on it.

Yogic Kriya & Expert Doctor

We can do Yogic Kriya, but we also need to consult an eye that is a different type of expert doctor. Therefore, regular yogic kriya helps focus on the eyes and relieve eye strain symptoms. When it comes to eye health, many of us are familiar with the standard complaints that prompt a visit to the ophthalmologist’s office. These include itching, redness, headache, double vision, burning, tearing of the eyes, eye strain, and blurred vision, all of which can be linked to excessive screen time.

What do Yoga practitioners & enthusiasts think about eye yoga ?

Some eye yoga enthusiasts do eye exercises and firmly believe that they improve vision. But so far, no research suggests that eye yoga can improve nearsightedness or farsightedness. In one of the studies, when the impact of traditional eye yoga techniques and Bates’ eye exercises, which are designed to enhance vision without the need for corrective lenses—on myopia was investigated, the subject’s eyesight was not significantly damaged by either practice, according to the researchers.

Which yoga eye exercises benefit?

There are several exercises for our eyes and these yoga eye exercises benefit a lot. Below we have discussed some of them

Eye yoga research is still in progress and  your current eye health will determine the ideal eye exercises. For particular issues, consult your optometrist or another medical professional. Then, to lessen eye strain, think about doing these simple eye yoga poses.


Squinting,sitting  upright in your chair, blinking ten to fifteen times rapidly while opening your eyes wide. On many occasions you have to shut your eyes and inhale deeply multiple times.You have to do this three to five times, and repeat.

Rolling of the eyes : 

In this exercise you take a deep breath while sitting comfortably with your face facing front.You can start by looking up at the ceiling without moving your head in order to roll your eyes clockwise.Make sure you roll your gaze to the left, then to the right, then down towards the floor.Look forward

Palming : 

Palming is lightly covering both eyes with your palms, allowing the tears. Experts advise you to close your eyes, take a deep breath and relax your neck muscles. Close your eyes after ensuring that your elbows and forearms are adequately supported. While breathing normally, you could gently cup your eyes in the hollow of your palms for approximately a minute. 

Near and far focusing with Kapalbhati:

In this Eye Power Reduction Yoga,the subject should hold index fingers or two pencils in front of the face–one should be 7.5 cm away and the other at arm’s length. The subject needs to focus on one with eyes open, then blink and focus on the other. It should be repeated several times whenever the opportunity arises. Subjects should practice katabatic pranayama along with focusing exercises. 

Shifting using Kapalbhati:

To prevent eye strain, one must shift their eyes. It is terrible for our eyes to stare. It is not appropriate to look at an object nonstop. The individual must assume the pose of staring straight ahead, facing the center of a massive clock. The subject’s head must remain still at all times. The subject must look as far as possible toward noon, hold that gaze for two seconds, then rotate their head to look at three, six, nine, and finally twelve o’clock. Each position requires the individual to sustain their gaze for two seconds, and they must extinguish it in three bursts by contracting their abdominal muscles.


Eye Yoga offers a promising approach to mitigating these issues by targeting and strengthening the eye muscles through various exercises. These exercises, which include blinking, eye-rolling, palming, and near and far focusing, can help reduce eye strain and improve overall eye comfort. While scientific evidence supporting the correction of refractive errors through eye yoga is still inconclusive, many individuals have found relief and benefits from regular practice.

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