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Understanding About Diabetic Retinopathy treatment in ayurveda

Diabetic retinopathy

Diabetes is referred to in Ayurveda as Prameha and is caused due to imbalance in the body’s energies (doshas) that are brought on by stress, poor dietary choices, and harmful lifestyle alternatives. Type 1 Diabetes is  diabetes induced by immune-related causes whereas  Type 2 diabetes is caused by insulin resistance.

Talking about diabetes , it is a lifestyle disease that also impacts the eye’s blood vessels  tissues in eyes and might  lead to Diabetic retinopathy where the blood vessels of the retina is damaged. However diabetic retinopathy treatment in ayurveda is possible if it is timely intervened and is under right expert care.

How Does Diabetic Retinopathy Develop?

Diabetic retinopathy develops due to chronic hyperglycemia i.e. you have very high blood sugar levels in your body. In the long run this can damage the blood vessels in the retina over time. Other factors that can intensify the problem include obesity, kidney disease, high BP, high cholesterol, chewing tobacco use, anemia, or pregnancy . Diabetic retinopathy can affect anyone who has type 1 or type 2 diabetes, but it is more likely to evolve in people who have had diabetes for a longer time.

During Diabetic retinopathy excess sugar in the bloodstream prompts the growth of new blood vessels in the eye, these vessels may develop improperly, resulting in leakage and blockage in the retina, ultimately reducing blood supply to the eye. This leads to an eye disorder named Diabetic retinopathy and if  left untreated, diabetic retinopathy can lead to permanent eye damage and may even end up in glaucoma.

What are the symptoms of Diabetic Retinopathy?

Diabetic retinopathy generally manifests without pain and may initially display no noticeable symptoms. However, as the condition advances, individuals may encounter:

  • Blurry vision
  • Vision loss
  • Spots in their vision
  • Floaters (dark floating strings in vision)
  • Dark or empty areas of vision

These symptoms often arise during the intermediate to advanced stages of the disease. Neglecting these signs can lead to permanent loss of vision. Therefore, it’s crucial to prioritize regular retinal evaluations when encountering any of the symptoms above.

Regarding PDR, Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy is amongst the most extreme and dangerous forms of this eye condition. At this stage, the retina becomes oxygen-deprived, developing fragile new blood vessels within the vitreous, a gel-like fluid that maintains proper eye hydration. These new vessels are delicate and prone to rapid rupture, resulting in vitreous bleeding and vision impairment. This highlights the urgency of prompt treatment and the potential consequences of the disease.

At Dr Basu Eye Hospital, we offer prompt and comprehensive treatment with Ayurvedic Medication for diabetic retinopathy. Our latest approach and modern treatment practice ensures comprehensive treatment across all phases of diabetic retinopathy, seeking to check disease progression to advanced stages.

What foods can raise blood sugar levels more?

High-calorie foods could significantly cause a rise in high sugar levels. The foods responsible for bringing sugar level spikes in humans include those high in carbohydrates like rice, bread, fruit and sugar. They are quickly converted into energy which raises blood sugar levels.

Other foods responsible for high blood sugar levels include protein-rich foods, such as meats, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products, and oily foods. It’s true that carbohydrates impact blood sugar levels very fast so it’s necessary to maintain a balanced diet.

By excluding them entirely, your diet may become unbalanced, and you may not feel satisfied after your meal. This could potentially lead to overconsumption of foods rich in protein and fat. Therefore, understanding this balance empowers you in managing your blood sugar levels effectively.

Blood sugar Levels in Human Body

Let’s keep a note of healthy blood sugar levels and  diabetic sugar levels  in our body

Fasting blood sugar Normal levels 

100mg/ dL ( 5.6mmol/L)

Pre- Diabetic blood sugar  levels 

100 to 125mg/ dL ( 5.6 to 6.9 mmol/L)

Diabetic  blood sugar levels

above 126mg/dL ( 7mmol/L)


Is it Possible to Reverse Diabetic Retinopathy?

Yes, retinopathy can be reversed, depending on its stage. The initial step involves managing blood sugar levels through medication and proper nutrition. In Ayurveda  the doctor will diagnose and prescribe Ayurvedic medicine for diabetic retinopathy. We at Dr Basu Eye Hospital offer advanced ayurvedic eye treatment along with treatment for other severe eye complications. 

Many  patients with severe cases and those who have lost hope with conventional medicine have experienced improvement without enduring pain as all our eye treatment is done without surgery. The hospital provides personalized treatments tailored to each patient’s unique history, ensuring the most effective solution for their condition.

How Can Diabetic Retinopathy Be Prevented?

The most empowering way to control or delay diabetic retinopathy is to take custody of your diabetes. This involves keeping blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels under control, and having regular eye exams. If you keep a regular watch on your blood sugar levels regularly, and start an expert, you are actively managing your diabetes and reducing the risk of diabetic retinopathy. Remember, you are in control of your health.

Ayurvedic medicine for diabetic retinopathy

Keeping up with optimal blood sugar levels and blood pressure is crucial. Smoking should be avoided, and regular eye check-ups, ideally once a year, should be undergone. Prescription medications and dietary adjustments are essential components. Incorporating a daily Triphala eyewash regimen aids in eye health.

If initial symptoms of Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) are detected, therapeutic measures like Shirodhara and Nebraska may be recommended. These treatments enhance blood circulation and mitigate the risk of hypoxia.

Ayurvedic interventions for DR encompass several strategies:

  1. Addressing diabetes (madhumeha) directly.
  2. Managing Raktapitta (bleeding disorder.
  3. Enhancing blood circulation.
  4. Preventing the loss of vital tissues (dhatu).
  5. Sustaining balanced digestive fire (samagni).

Herbal formulations like Trikatu churna and chitrakadi correct metabolic imbalances at the tissue level. To purify the body’s channels (srotas) and capillaries, gentle purgation (mrudu virechana) and nasal administration (nasya) are advised. Additionally, enematherapy(Basti) aids in cleansing and pacifying aggravated Vata.

Tarpana therapy facilitates drug absorption into intraocular tissues, promoting visual improvement. Seka therapy aids in fortifying blood vessel integrity, facilitating endothelial repair, and safeguarding against the loss of pericytes, an early factor in DR onset.

During various stages of diabetic retinopathy , tailored Ayurvedic medicine for diabetic retinopathy and  treatments such as nasya, shirodhara, shirolepa, and shiropichu are administered for Vata-pacifying effects on the head and body, and Pitta-pacifying impact on the eyes.

Takradhara (pouring medicated buttermilk) and netra seka (eye irrigation) are utilized for both curative and preventive purposes. These therapies help alleviate stress and anxiety, which can contribute to elevated blood glucose levels. Additionally, relaxing eye exercises like palming are recommended. Rasayana therapies encompass rejuvenating formulations aimed at profound healing.

To Know More, Talk to our Consultant. Dial +91-8235808080

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